Group collaboration offers many notable benefits. In the case of collaborating musicians, each member most likely plays a different instrument and have a unique background. This way, they can contribute something unique to the group in composing a piece. In working together, ideas can run wild and they can feed off each other's opinions.
When students work together, the effects can last a whole career and even a life time.
Jason Tu
As dental students, this can not be truer. Not many people would understand what we are going through. Our peers understand the best because they are going through the same challenges. It is each student's job to contribute as much as they can to the group and to see that a weakness in one member is a weakness in us all. We all come with different majors and experiences. One student worked in a funeral home, another as a pharmacist and is coming back to school after 5 years in the field. We have bio majors, biochemistry majors, even singer managers. We each have something to offer. Together we can accomplish much much more.
Evaluation, both of the self and of other members of the group is crucial in professional development. In evaluating yourself, there may be something that was on the back of your mind that you didn't realize was a problem until you started thinking about it. You being to see activities as opportunities to grow and in self reflecting, you can make the adjustments, and set the goals to make this possible. Evaluating others can help you learn something about yourself. If you find that a person could do something in a particular way that is an improvement over their current state, then you could realize that you may have this problem too. So in giving feedback to others, you subconsciously apply this feedback to yourself.
In the professional setting, collaboration can improve patient compliance and outcomes in treating a disease. One professional may have read a journal article that another has not so he may be able to bring something to the table. We could have a general practitioner collaborating with a dentist, pharmacist, and nurse practitioner, each offering a different point of view of the disease so they can all create a single treatment plan that considers all aspects of the disease. One dentist could offer another dentist advice on how they perform a certain procedure or how they communicate with their patients. It is up to the second dentist to evaluate the advice given and implement changes to his practice if appropriate.
Overall, dentistry is about collaboration and to be effective collaborators we must be able to give feedback and to receive feedback efficiently and regularly.
-- Jason Tu